New Car Seat Guidelines
The American Academy of Pediatrics is changing its guidelines for how long a child should remain in a rear-facing car seat.

College Admission Scandal
Whether your kid is entering preschool or his senior year this September, we’ve all heard about the massive college admissions scandal, where wealthy parents (including celebrities like Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman) paid to bribe coaches, forge standardized tests, and engaged in other unethical (not to mention illegal) actions in order to ensure their children’s admission to some of the nation’s top schools.

Host To Perfection: Lime Naked Cake
Sisters Barbara and Carolina are the talented entertaining experts behind Host to Perfection.

Mom Style
Kristin Koch, the executive director of Seventeen magazine and blogger behind Closetful of Clothes is, like all of us, a busy mom who still wants to feel put together.

Whole30 for the whole family
You might not know the name Melissa Hartwig Urban, but you have undoubtedly heard of Whole30, aka the diet everyone and their sister has raved about over the last few years.

Raise a reader
We all know how important reading to kids is for their literacy, but what do you do if your children—particularly school age and older—aren’t naturally eager readers?

Carrot Tumeric Soup
Anyone else feel like cold and flu season is never going away?

Screen Time
In this day and age, expecting your kids to never lay eyes on a screen is probably unrealistic.

Paleo Muffins
If we’re going to bake, we want to make sure the final product checks three boxes: First, that it’s a healthy snack for the whole family. Second, that it tastes good enough for everyone—even a picky toddler—to eat. And finally, that they don’t have a million...

The Role of Sports in Education by Leigh Ernst Friestedt
Posted on Apr 12, 2017 in Around Town Women’s lacrosse is breaking barriers by pressuring 8th-grade girls to “commit” to one of the most accelerated early recruiting processes in college sports today. Lacrosse recruiting starts in middle school and requires year-round...
Guest Blogger Suzanne Wind: 10 Social Skills Unplugged for Your Digitally Focused Child!
Posted on Jul 14, 2017 in Around Town Do you feel frustrated that your child is always facing a screen? Research has shown that today’s child averages 8-9 hours a day of engagement with media. It is a constant effort to engage kids in simple face-to-face conversations...

5 Tips to Boost the Nutrition in Your Kid’s Meals
Cooking healthy meals that are delicious and satisfying can be hard work for us moms! Lately, I’ve been struggling to curate a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner that include all of the important nutrients and vitamins, only to have my kids come to the table with a stubborn palate.